Cross-country ski trails offer great access to Cannonsburg State Game Area |
The Michigan DNR manages this area for White-tailed Deer with a variety of practices, including:
• Maintaining and facilitating hunting opportunities on state land by planting: annual food
plots, fruit-bearing trees, legumes, clover, rye, and pea/Sudan grass mixtures.
• Maintaining trees that produce hard mast (beech, oak): maintaining an oak component,
promoting the regeneration of oak, and retaining a representation of mature acorn
producing trees during harvests.
• Maintaining abundant browse by managing for young forests (particularly aspen and jack
pine): performing clear cuts and rotational harvests of timber.
• Maintaining and expanding thermal cover in high snow areas by selecting for conifers,
particularly the white cedar, and hemlock component.
• Maintaining grasslands for food and cover: planting, fertilizing, disking, mowing, haying,
applying herbicides, and prescribed burning.